Delicious Vegetarian Fajitas with Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato fajitas

Chicken, steak, pork, and more — fajitas lend themselves to all kinds of meats. Yet while you can pick and choose between your favorite fillings, the classic Tex-Mex dish works just as well without any meat whatsoever. But that doesn’t mean…

Top Cuts of Meat for Perfect Grilled Kebabs

Grilled meat and vegetable kebabs

Fall is for football and that means hordes of hungry fans looking to fill their anxious bellies with something more satisfying than just chips and salsa. The best tailgates feature flame-grilled fare and no dish answers the call quite like…

How to Ensure Your Measuring Cups are Accurate

Measuring cups filled with ingredients

Baking is all about precision. If your measuring cups aren’t accurate, they can throw a whole recipe for your favorite red velvet cake or your chocolate mousse into a tailspin. Sadly, not all measuring cups are created equally and you…

Searing Meat with Cultured Butter: A Delicious Twist

Chef preparing ribeye with butter

Whichever way you cook your meat, from grilling to sauteing, achieving that perfect sear is often the golden ticket to a flavor-packed meal. This searing process, though seemingly straightforward, requires precision and the right choice of cooking fat to achieve…

How to Make Grilled Cheese on the Grill

A grilled cheese sandwich with grill grates and flames in the background

As backyard barbecue season ramps up, burgers, steaks, and sausages are prime grilling candidates. However, meat isn’t the only thing that benefits from charred grill marks and a smoky flavor. True to their name, grilled cheese sandwiches are a delicious…

Grill Rice Krispies Treats for a Caramelized Twist

rice crispy treats on grill

Rice crispy treats, with their perfect blend of crispy cereal and gooey marshmallows, have been a cherished dessert since their creation. But what if we told you there’s a delightful twist on this classic that takes it to a whole…

Consider carefully before combining ingredients for grilling skewers

grilled steak and vegetable kebab skewers

Grilled skewers are a straightforward concept: Various ingredients are threaded onto a stick, usually metal or wooden, and cooked over an open flame. The appeal is obvious ─ they’re fun to make, easy to eat, and infinitely customizable. This customization,…