Create Tall Cakes with Parchment Paper Pan Collars

tall pink cake with macarons

There’s something undeniably magical about a towering, show-stopping cake that leaves everyone in awe, but what if your cake pans just aren’t deep enough to create the towering masterpiece you envision? Fear not, for parchment paper holds the key to…

Delicious Campfire Paninis: Sweet and Savory Mountain Pies

campfire sandwich maker

As the sun sets behind the rugged mountains and the crackling sound of a campfire fills the air, after a long day of hiking, everyone is (seriously) hungry. While there are recommended foods to enjoy on the trail and some…

Discover the Hidden Nespresso Vertuo Hack for Perfect Coffee

nespresso machine making coffee

For coffee connoisseurs and Nespresso enthusiasts, the quest for making the perfect cup knows no bounds. But for those with the Nespresso Vertuo at the ready, there is a cleverly concealed trick that can elevate your coffee experience: Expert Mode.…

Grill Your Vegetables Before Pickling for Maximum Flavor

Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots

Pickling allows vegetables to transcend their menial roles. Yet while the method gives them new life, there’s still room to expand their flavors. Grilling your vegetables before pickling them, for example, will add yet another layer of depth. With pickling,…

How to Make Potstickers Using a Nonstick Pan

plate of potstickers

Despite the name, we never really want our potstickers to stick to the pan — that would be a dumpling disaster! The delicate pockets of dough should be steamed to perfection after developing a crispy brown bottom in the pan.…

Muffin Pan Dinner Platter Perfect for Picky Eaters

Pu pu platter-inspired muffin tin charcuterie board

Don’t like it when your food touches other, different foods on the plate? You’re not alone. The condition is officially known as brumotactillophobia, but by any name, there’s a difference between being a picky eater and just knowing what you like…

How to Grill French Toast for the Perfect Texture

grilled French toasted with fruit

Groggy-eyed and fresh out of bed, lighting up the grill might be the last to-do item on your mind. However, if you want to make an extra delicious batch of French toast for that special someone, you may want to…

Bourbon Marinade Steak: Tips for the Perfect Char

Steaks grilling on open flame

Bourbon isn’t just for sipping or mixing into a classic Manhattan cocktail on the weekends. This amber liquor can also be a secret ingredient in your kitchen: you can use a touch of bourbon to add a rich, oaky, and…

Things to Consider Before Grilling Steak in Cold Weather

closed barbecue in winter

As the cold seasons settle in, many folks find it increasingly challenging to cook their favorite meals. Winter grilling can be a struggle, even when using charcoal. The cold weather can make it feel like the grill barely has enough…