Category Grilling Tips

How to Cook and Grill Outdoors Using Campfire Embers

cooking in campfire flames

There’s something primal and captivating about cooking over an open flame surrounded by the crackling of burning wood and the intoxicating scent of the outdoors. While a blazing campfire may be your first instinct for outdoor cooking, there’s an often-overlooked…

Why Grilled Chicken Tastes Better at a Restaurant Than at Home

Grilled chicken with lemons

Grilled chicken typically provides a nice char, which gives the poultry more flavor and texture compared to baking or sauteing. It’s especially nice during the warmer months because you get some fresh air — and the technique prevents the house…

Discover the Top Seasonings to Elevate the Flavor of Veal

Cut of veal

Veal hasn’t always scored high marks on the scale of humanely raised meat. There was a time when veal was synonymous with animal cruelty, in large part due to removing the calves from their mothers at birth and the small…

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking Short Ribs

short ribs on cutting board and serving board

Cuts of meat fall into two broad categories: tender cuts that cook quickly and tougher cuts that require long, slow cooking. That’s an oversimplification, but it’s a useful one. In the case of beef, grilling steaks like ribeyes and T-bones…

Marinating Cheese Before Grilling Outdoors

Grilled camembert with tomatoes

When it comes to grilling, meats and veggies seem to get all the love; however, these foods are not the only ones that can benefit from being cooked over an open flame. If you are a cheese lover, don’t hesitate…

Top Wood Choices for Smoking Chicken

smoked chicken

When the pull of barbecue takes hold, many naturally think of hearty meats like pork shoulder, spare ribs, and brisket that have been quite nearly melted in the hazy, mild heat of the smoker. But delicate cuts deserve their turn…

Grilling Myths You Shouldn’t Believe Anymore

Grill covered with meats and vegetables

There’s nothing quite like a burger or steak off the grill on a hot summer day, isn’t there? Grilling feels like the most primal of cooking techniques, adding a certain caveman sort of flair to the proceedings. It’s also beloved by…

Is it Safe to Grill Frozen Chicken?

Top-down view of two cooked chicken breasts on a grill

You might think that it’s necessary to wait for the chicken in the back of your freezer to defrost before you can toss it on the grill, but that’s actually not the case. Maybe you need some protein for a…