Category Grilling Tips

Elevate your lobster dish with a hot honey butter sauce

grilled lobster with flavored butter

The rich, sweet taste and tender texture of lobster has made it a staple in high-end dining for generations, and when paired with the right sauce, it can truly transform a meal into a memorable culinary experience. One of the…

Grilling Bison Burgers: A Seasoning Tip

Bison burger and fries

Despite the fact that bison has existed in North America for thousands of years as a staple in the diets of various indigenous tribes, many people are just now learning how delicious this game meat can be. Bison makes for…

Never Use Lumber for Smoking or Grilling

Open fire wood

Lumber. It’s a catch-all moniker for harvested wood, right? Not so fast. While that may be true in many parts of the world, in the United States and Canada, lumber refers to wood of the processed variety or wood that…

Discover Surprising Things You Can Make with a Solo Stove

Solo Stove with flames

The Solo Stove has the thrill of a roaring outdoor fire, minus the smoke and unpleasant risk of traveling embers. And with its unique modern design comes the possibility of open-fire cooking, baking, and grilling literally anywhere. But you may…

The Triple Dip Technique: How to Marinate Meat for Maximum Flavor

Triple dipped ribs on grill

The next time you fire up the grill for barbecue brisket, ribs, or chicken legs, consider marinating your meats using Chef Paul Kahan’s triple-dip technique. The Chicago restauranteur and cookbook author of “Cheers to the Publican, Repast and Present” is…

Perfectly Reheat Steak with These Tips

Steak on a barbecue grill

Reheating steak can be tricky and often results in an overcooked, dry, and chewy piece of meat. However, when done properly using the right techniques, reheating steak can yield a tender and flavorful result. With some care and attention, you…

Grilled Peaches Add a Sweet Twist to Eggs Benedict

eggs benedict with green onions

Practically every trendy brunch establishment has eggs benedict on the menu, but there are still ways to turn this classic morning staple into a fresh new recipe. Traditional eggs benedict is made with Canadian bacon, English muffins, and Hollandaise sauce,…

Upgrade Pork Ribs with Bacon Fat: A Delicious Twist

barbequed pork ribs

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook looking to impress, mastering the art of cooking succulent pork ribs on the grill can be a daunting task. With the right techniques and a dash of creativity, you can achieve…